Scion Esports is proud to partner with Louisiana 4H to bring esports to five locations in 2025!
Scion Esports and Lake Area Adventures are partnering to bring you esports action all summer long.
Scion Esports and Lake Area Adventures are partnering to bring you esports action all summer long.
We’re finally doing it! We’re starting a podcast. We don’t know if anyone is going to watch/listen or not, but we think we’re going to have fun doing it.
Our team had a good showing in Arlington, winning two games in the Open Division winners bracket before being bested, then continued their effort to finish the fight winning two more rounds in the losers bracket before finally being listed MIA.
Hop over to our Event page for the full details or just go straight to the Start.gg event page to get registered!
Spartans never die. And neither does competitive Halo. Not while we have anything to say about it. We have decided to enter a team into the HCS for what may be one last swan song for Halo Infinite.
The primary reason 2022 was a bit of a dark age for the esports side is because it was an incredibly busy time for our parent company, Lake Charles Toyota.
Scion Esports is back with a vengeance for CyPhaCon 2025 with tons of games, free play, Spidey-Team, and live music!