Spartans Never Die Redux
Spartans never die.
And neither does competitive Halo. Not while we have anything to say about it. We have elected to contiune our foray into HCS. As long as the chief is fighting, we’re going to be right there with him.
Our team had a good showing in Arlington, winning two games in the Open Division winners bracket before being bested, then continued their effort to finish the fight winning two more rounds in the losers bracket before finally being listed MIA.
Our twins Euzey an Xuzey managed to finish second in the duos competition on Saturday, so we’re super stoked about that.
You can review the team’s final results on the Halo Liquipedia
If you’re interested in connecting with our Halo HCS team, reach out to Blitzzstarr on our Discord.
For your enjoyment, here are some awesome pictures of our Spartans representing us in Arlington, taken by the official team photographer DubiSonya.