Scion Esports needs your help with a Warzone event.


We’re adding Warzone to our esports offerings when we come back to live events in the fall. More on that later… but for now about Warzone… we need your help. We are hosting a night of tests for private matches so our broadcast team and tournament organizers can get accustomed to how Warzone private matches run.

Along with our Content Creator Partners we’re going to be hosting a night of Warzone private matches open to the public. This is going to be on Sunday, June 13th beginning around 8:30PM CST.

All you have to do is show up in our Discord and be ready to play some CoD to help us figure it all out. It should be fun, and hopefully we’ll also learn a little bit about how to be ready to run a good tournament.

The specifics:

Be nice. There’s no entry fee and the prizes are just going to be stuff we had laying around… We will boot you indiscriminately and without warning if you’re being unnecessarily vulgar or trollish.

Be patient, the goal of this event is to help us learn how to produce Warzone as an esport. Hopefully you’ll have some fun too.

We will play up to five matches, starting no earlier than 8:30pm. We will not start any new matches after 10:30pm, so the event ends after five matches, or after the conclusion of the last match started before 10:30pm, whichever comes first.

We will play the largest version of Verdansk Battle Royale Quads possible with the number of players we have.

You do not have to have a full squad to play, you are more than welcome to drop in short, or we can try to match partial squads up with solos and other duos before we begin the first match. You must stick with the same squad you started with for the whole night.

The winner will be determined by a points system respectfully copied from The World Series of Warzone, which is quite elegant and simple:

At the conclusion of each match, each kill scored by your squad will be one point for your squad, and the place at which you finish will apply a multiplier to that kill score. The 1st place squad in each match will benefit from a 2X score multiplier, and squads who last till the top 5 will get 1.5X score multiplier… So for example, if one squad camps their brains out and only gets two kills… the last two kills at the very end of the game, they will receive 2 points for kills, and it will be multiplied by 2X due to the score multiplier for 1st place, so they will log 4 points for that match. If another squad gets 8 kills and they are they finish 3rd, they will receive 8 points multiplied by 1.5X for a total score of 12 for the match.

If you are able, please plan on streaming it. If you are willing to have your stream included in our broadcast, please join our Discord early so we can talk about the logistics, and also please download the stream overlay for the event and use it (and only it, exactly as it is, with only your webcam added underneath the overlay) for this event.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask them via the comment form below. … Whatever it is there’s a pretty good chance we haven’t thought of it yet because we’re making this up as we go.


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